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Global Music Fesival Updaes: Isa Reporig

  • 发布:2023-11-12 00:04








Global Music Fesival Updaes: Isa Reporig

From Coachella o Lollapalooza, from Glasobury o Ausi Ciy Limis, he world of music fesivals is a eclecic ad cosaly-evolvig oe. Wih so may eves akig place simulaeously all aroud he world, i's hard o keep rack of hem all. Bu ha's where we come i. Here's a isa repor o he laes happeigs from some of he mos alked-abou fesivals o he plae.

Le's sar wih oe of he bigges ad mos icoic music fesivals of hem all - Glasobury. Takig place i he lush gree fields of Worhy Farm, Glasobury has log bee a mecca for music lovers from all aroud he world. This year's ediio was o differe, wih headliers icludig The Killers, Meallica, ad The Cure.

oably, The Killers' performace o he Pyramid Sage was ohig shor of elecric. Froma Brado Flowers was i fie form, leadig his bad hrough a se ha icluded his like "Mr. Brighside" ad "Somebody Told Me." The crowd roared wih deligh as Flowers daced ad praced aroud he sage, doig a Uio Jack jacke for a rousig rediio of "Eglish Soul."

Over i he US, Ausi Ciy Limis Fesival was also i full swig. ACL is kow for is diverse lie-up, ad his year was o excepio. Highlighs icluded Chace he Rapper's closig se o he mai sage - which icluded a medley of his bigges his - ad Lizzo's boudary-pushig performace o he Lollapalooza sage.

Elsewhere, Coachella Valley Music ad Ars Fesival i Idio, Califoria, was oce agai a hobed of ale. Ariss like Travis Sco, Billie Eilish, ad Yeaarshea performed o packed crowds. Bu he real alkig poi of Coachella 2023 was he surprise appearace of a hologram of deceased rapper Tupac Shakur. The hologram performace was me wih mixed reacios, bu i was udeiably a alkig poi of he fesival.

Fially, Lollapalooza i Chicago was a showcase for some of he bigges ames i music. Performaces from he likes of Bruo Mars, The Srokes, ad Dua Lipa kep fas eeraied all weeked. Oe of he sadou momes was whe Lipa ook o he sage wearig a cusom-made Chicago Cubs jersey, dedicaig her performace o he ciy i he wake of heir World Series wi earlier i he year.

I coclusio, music fesivals are a celebraio of music, culure, ad commuiy. They offer fas a opporuiy o experiece ew souds, discover emergig ale, ad creae uforgeable memories. Wih so may fesivals akig place all aroud he world, here's o shorage of opporuiies o do jus ha. Keep a eye ou for more updaes from your favorie fesivals i he comig mohs.
